Tag Archives: Depression

The Story of Ryan Anderson

So I wanted to talk a little bit about about something that hits home for me, depression. My wonderful and loving fiancĂ© suffers from depression himself. At times it is very hard on me because me personally, I have no idea how to cope with someone who has depression. I will admit I get angry at times. I get angry because I know I can’t help him, and it hurts because that’s all I want is to be able to be able to help in every which way possible. I want that feeling of helplessness and sadness that he goes through everyday to just disappear. There are times where he’ll be pouring his heart out to me and I’ll start talking but I feel like all I say goes in one ear and out the other and it leads to an argument. What gets accomplished there? Nothing. The story of Ryan Anderson, NBA player for the New Orleans Pelicans describes perfectly how I feel whenever we get into an argument. Click here to see the video on Vimeo. The last thing that I ever want to do is to get a call at 3 AM from the hospital saying that my fiancĂ© had attempted suicide. Just the thought of it brings me to tears, and the thought is always there. I’m afraid with depression that there may come a day where it will get so bad that he won’t be able to handle it anymore. I think that’s why I try to “help” him as much as possible because I don’t want that day to come. See I grew up in household where you can always help someone out, but it’s a life changer for me to know that I can’t help him. All I can do is be there for him, and on certain days that’s not enough for me. I feel like I have to do more even though I can’t. I will never know the struggle that he goes through on a daily basis and maybe I will never truly understand that, but one that I do have to say is that he is never alone. Anyone who suffers from depression should never go through it alone.